Our Guide to Understanding How To Relieve Gas Pain

Indigestion leading to gas followed by pain is an unforgettable experience. You can relate if you have felt that once in your life. Patients dealing with this pain go through severe psychological and physical stress. The devastating state of mind affects the personal and social life of an individual.

Nevertheless, cancelling the weekend excursions is also irksome when your belly has the constant urge to fart out. That’s why we want to understand how to relieve gas pain.

Gas pains may range from mild annoyance to excruciating pain, affecting any individual. It easily ends up the aura of the delicious meal due to the bloating issue.

Everyone searches for a way to prevent the onset of such devastating pain. Researchers have been engaged for a long time in finding the solution to this problem. They have agreed upon the general stretching exercises for treating these aches. In this article, we will go through some basic stretching exercises that are quite helpful in relieving stomach bloating. Before that, lets us have a look at the details of gas pain.

Causes of Gas Pain

Understanding the etiology of the disease before treating it is necessary for finding a permanent solution. Following are the factors that act individually or cumulatively to bring on the gas pain.

  • Eating at an irregular time: The irregularity in the meals enhances the possibility of indigestion. The undigested food in the gut is at greater risk of being acted upon by the microbes. This, in turn, generates gas.
  • Consuming stubborn food: Food that is hard to digest leads to the accumulation of gas in the large intestine. The large intestine is the site where the undigested food from the small intestine is fermented by the colonic bacteria. The gas produced as the result of this process can lead to severe pain.
  • Drinking less water: Most doctors agree that water and fluids for the human body is essential. They understand that constipation mainly results from the deficiency of water which affects bowel movement and also results in the formation of hard stool. The recommended daily requirement is 8 to 12 glasses for keeping the body hydrated.

Common Symptoms

The commonly reported signs and symptoms among the persons experiencing gas pain are as follows:

  • Abdominal distension
  • Excessive stress in the abdominal area
  • Excessive pain in the upper or middle abdomen
  • Unpleasant burps
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea
  • Stiff belly
  • Chest pain (in severe cases)

Benefits of Stretching Exercises

The most common myth about stretching is it is only effective before exercise to reduce post-exercise muscle soreness. People are unaware of the beneficial impact it can have when adopted as part of their daily routine. Why should one adopt stretching exercises? The answer is pretty simple. For this purpose, let us have a look at various reasons that shed light on the importance of stretching exercises.

Stretching improves the blood supply throughout the whole body. Enhanced blood supply throughout the body segments is effective in removing the metabolic waste from different body parts known to cause pain. Not only this, but the improved blood supply decreases the chances of different threats imposed on static blood.

The role of the abdominals in the process of digestion is not undetermined. The contraction of the abdominals, along with other factors, plays a major role in increasing the intra-abdominal pressure to make the process of digestion effective.

However, tight abdominals can cause stomach pain preceded by indigestion and disturbed peristaltic activity favoring the formation of gas content in the belly. Stretching on a daily basis can help a person in getting rid of this problem.

Stretching induces muscle relaxation. This is the thing one is always looking for. Isn’t that amazing?
The gaseous content in the gut promoting the back and stomach pain is not easy to deal with. Stretching helps in relieving this cramping and pricking pain by assisting in the passing of gas.

Stretching Exercises to Treat Gas Pain

You may try out some gas medicines, but why not go for some natural remedy like physical movements and try out yoga poses. Grab a pen and note down some of the pain-relieving stretching exercises to relieve gas and bloating. These exercises prove to be relievers in such scenarios. All the poses intend to stretch the body in a manner to relax the muscles.  

Simultaneously, the blood supply to your organs increases due to such exercises, and gut motility becomes easy. As a result, it helps in the improvement of gut health. Finally, the gas buzzes out from your gas tube. So, time to lie on your yoga mat and begin the growth mindset to let the magic begin.

1. Apanasana
Count is one of the most effective and stellar stretching exercises to relieve gas and bloating. The yoga pose famously appears as a Wind Relieving Pose.
Firstly, you need to lie flat on your yoga mat.
With the support of your hands, gives a flex to the right knee.  Make sure your thighs remain in contact with the abdomen.
Lie in this pose for 10 seconds. Then, get back to your straight posture.
Repeat the same procedure with the left leg.
The posture gives massage to the viscera, thereby ensuring the passing of the gas.

2. Wide Squat Extended
Give a stretch out to your hips and release the abdominal pressure with this yoga posture.
Stand with feet apart, slightly wider than the hips. Bend the knees to lower down the hips near the ground.
Move your hands away from your feet and remain there till five breaths. Exert pressure on various body parts and rocking to the dies.

3. Child’s pose
Give a full stretch to your body by engaging your heels and knees with this good sitting position to relieve gas. Get ready to sit like a child.
Sit with the folded knees on the floor to one side with your heels supported from the other side.
Keep your heels close to each other. Spread the thighs extensively greater than the hips.
Your back should remain bent and your forearms and arms outstretched. Don’t forget to touch your forehead with the ground.
Retain this posture for 10-15 seconds. Again straighten the back.
Repeat it twice or thrice for your continuous episodes.

4. Side fierce
Give a massage to the belly with the standing twist-side fierce.
Stand and bring together your feet.
Inhale for bending the knees and lowering hips when you begin to come into fierce posture by raising the arms overhead.
Over the right knee in an outwards position, cross the left elbow while exhaling. Tightly press both arms and give a continuous push to the bottom elbow over your thighs and give an upward twist to your chest. Don’t forget to increase the twist.  
Count and remain till five breaths and rise to fierce posture again. Continue it on the other side.

5. Bridge Pose
This position is an effective stretching exercise to relieve gas. It simply stretches the front body and reduces the abs pressure as well as the pressure on the posterior aspect of body.
Lay your back flat on the floor and bend the knees; your feet should be 6 inches against your gluteus. Keep the arms flat by the sides.
Now, you have to rest on your shoulders. Keep your core tight as well as your gluteus.
Push from the heels and begin the lifting of your back, glutes, and hips. Hold it for some seconds or breath. Exhale and repeat.

6. Open Triangle

Here comes another effective stretching exercise to relieve gas. This stretching exercise helps in the opening of triangle bends along with the intestinal tracts’ twists, assisting in the reduction of bloating.
Spread the legs wide enough to your sides with one foot outwards. Bend the body towards the outer foot’s leg.
Ensure to put your inner hands on the yoga mat. However, get to your shin if you fail to get down to the floor.
You have to try to reach the ceiling with the other hand. Look up to your fingertips and retain the same position till five breaths, which are deep ones.
7. Standing Toe Touch

Put a separate mark as this stretching exercise relieves gas and bloating for obese people and beginners. It proves itself to be dull sailing because muscle stretching can create painful sensations in the legs. The stretching exercise is famous for strengthening the back muscles and spine. As a result, this will release your neck and back tension. You must choose this position if the pain is troubling your back.
Stand with feet distanced and stay firm on the leveled ground. Your hands should come towards the toes with a bend on your hips.

If it’s hard for you to reach the ground, lean forward as much as possible. You can even maintain your balance by keeping your hand on the furniture piece.
Don’t forget to ensure your knees stay in the extended pose while doing the exercise.
Sphinx Pose

Allow your visceral organs (internal) and torso to release gas by stretching through this stretching exercise.
Lay down on the floor in the prone pose. It means your chest, belly, and face should touch the ground.

Start lifting the torso or upper body to a specific level with the palms’ support. Keep in mind that your waist will act as a hinge.
Remain in this position for some seconds and get back to your original prone pose.
You can repeat it 5-6 times.

Final Thoughts on How to Relieve Gas Pain

It is evident that stretching exercises are effective resources in managing gas pain. The postures mentioned above place enough stress on body organs which not only minimizes pain, but also puts a brake on the increasing stress.

Indeed, spending some time during the day for stretching is worth it, especially if you really want to know how to relieve gas pain. Unless you have a medical condition that requires treatment, you will find that stretching is a great solution to gas pain!


I've been helping others to maintain their general fitness goals through stretching.

Although it is not a new idea, I didn't realize the benefits until my mother started to feel sluggish. While she was always very active, she seemed to slow down a bit because her body wasn't cooperating.

She wanted to continue camping, hiking, playing badminton, and walking the dog through the woods, but something was off even though she was getting a good amount of weekly exercise.

I decided to help her out and looked at many "ideas", "concepts", and "programs", and then finally chose simple stretching.

The stretches seemed to be the easiest and the most beneficial way for her to get back some of the get-up-and-go.

In truth, the real reason she was having difficult was she was not flexible enough.

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