Gas discomfort can be as painful as a serious medical attack like appendix or gall bladder. Actually, when gas is the root of your stomach or back pain, you honestly think that something is broken inside, and you are going to collapse or die in the very near future.
Rest assured that no-one has ever died from trapped gas, but it can take hours or even days to get the wind out, and make the pain go away. During this time, it is hard to do anything else, other than think about ways to release that gas.
We’ve all seen the commercials for tablets and powders to add to your food, so that it is not as disruptive after having eaten things like beans or cabbage. But, what if you don’t use them or the gas happens anyway?
We at Xiphoric Stretching follow the inexpensive and natural approach of using stretches to relieve gas. It also works for that awful bloated feeling and some forms of constipation.
Let’s jump right to the exercises, also known as mild physical activity, and answer the question what stretches I can do to relieve gas pains.
#1 Yoga Stretches to Relieve Gas
Yoga is an amazing regimen that really does help the body and brain, thereby making you feel whole again. Its restorative, soothing and healing properties aid with many conditions.
And, believe it or not, it can help with simple internal gas and stomach bloating.
Typically, yoga poses put pressure on the body’s organs. Not only does this ameliorate certain conditions, but it also brings attention to parts that are problematic, and need treatment.
The Apanasana pose is the most effective, as it is meant to push toxins down, and out of the body. The pose is so important, that it is an integral component of the yoga routine, often done at the end of the other exercises. It finishes off the cycle.
To do this pose, lie flat on your yoga mat with legs extended, and arms by your side. Bring your knee up to your chest and hold it firmly with both hands. Typically, the head should come down to touch the knee, if possible.
Not only does this pose stretch out the spine, neck, back and behind the legs, it places pressure on the abdomen to release those toxins we spoke about earlier.
You can do this a couple times to both legs. Remember, though, that breathing is part of this exercise. Breathe in when lifting your leg up, and breathe out when you are holding the pose.
Don’t hold your breath while doing this stretch.
#2 Exercises to Relieve Gas After Surgery
All invasive procedures to the body, such as any type of operation, cause some parts to malfunction afterwards. Although this is a temporary situation, it more commonly happens with the bowels. You have to take steps to get them moving again.
Also, during some kinds of surgeries, a team member injects Carbon Dioxide gas into the stomach, enabling the doctor to see the organs better. The gas expands the stomach and makes the work area larger.
When you are released from the hospital, the health care personnel will probably give you a sheet of exercises to relieve the gas from your surgery. They also recommend walking, and in some instances a heating pad.
Leg raising exercises are the most common form of stretches to release trapped gas.
Lie flat on your back, and maybe add a pillow behind your knees to give you a bit of support, so your stomach muscles are not as strained.
Bend your knee, and bring it up to the stomach area, and hold. Do this a couple times, then switch legs.
You’ll find that if your do that a few times per day, you will force all the trapped gas out of your system.
#3 How to Relieve Trapped Gas and Constipation
Constipation can be a bit more serious than gas pains because you need to move the bowels, and expel the fecal matter. If the constipation has been ongoing for several days, then it might require a phone call to the doctor.
But, if it is something that is not a serious medical problem, eating foods that “make you go” will help to get things moving again. Plus, to combat the associated pains in the stomach and lower back areas, stretching is the answer.
- One of the easiest stretches for relief of constipation is lying on the floor and bringing your knees up to your chest.Keep both knees together and hold them with both hands clasped. Keep your pose for a few seconds. Do this repetition eight or twelve times.
- Another really easy stretch to relieve gas from constipation is the Cobra pose. Lie flat on a mat rug with your belly-side down. Your eyes will face the floor.Raise your upper body, extending your arms, and arching your neck and back towards the ceiling. Remember to breathe as you do the exercise, and only stretch as far as your body allows.
#4 Exercises to Relieve Excess Gas
There are many reasons individuals suffer from bloating and gas. Most times, it is from eating too much or eating the wrong kinds of foods.
Other people have gaseous feelings from getting little to no exercise. They lead sedentary lifestyles which are not conducive to moving things through the normal digestive process.
Another odd way to get gas is from drinking with a straw. Using a straw causes you to swallow or gulp in air which quickly gives you that bloated feeling, and the need to release some gas.
Whatever the cause, here are two exercises to relieve excess gas.
- The first stretch is to try and get your body into a tent-like position. It will be easier for some people depending on how flexible they are.Basically, you want to extend your arms out, and straighten your legs, so that your body is an upside down V. Your bum with be the apex.
- This next stretch should be simple enough for most people to complete. Get down on the floor on your hands and knees.Point your toes to the floor. Your bum should be up in the air. Now, move your arms, so that they are fully extended in front of you on the floor.Move your face or upper body back and forth. Your head will touch the floor, then back up again. In both motions, you will feel a slight stretch.
This will help to stretch out the muscles in the abdomen and allow the gas to pass more easily.
#5 How to Relieve Trapped Gas in the Chest
Before even starting with any exercises here, please make sure that you do not have any kind of heart condition.
Gas in the chest can be a scary situation, as it does resemble a heart attack in some people. Always act on the side of caution and seek medical assistance.
But, once you have been given the all-clear that your heart is just fine, you’ll want to know how to relieve trapped gas in the chest.
Here is a really simple, comfy stretch. You can lie on your side either on the couch or on your bed. Keep your knees together and bring them up to your chest.
Hold them there for a few seconds, using your hands as support if needed.
Slowly move the knees back and forth continuing for a few minutes.
It does help to relieve the pains of gas, and to push that gas down and out of the the body.
#6 Exercise for Gas Relief During Pregnancy
Nowadays, millions of women work during their pregnancies. They also attend some form of exercise class, or continue with physical activities right up until they have their babies.
But, one problem they all have in common is the extra need to pass gas. Anatomically, this is normal. The growing baby is pressing on parts of the body and because of the hormonal changes, there tends to be more gas.
Likewise, as the baby stretches the mother’s abdominal area, it is getting bigger and has more room for gas to build up.
With the pent up gas, and the bigger than normal belly, it does start to feel very uncomfortable which means that these ladies want to find the perfect exercise for gas relief during pregnancy.
Luckily, we have one superior stretch here to get you started.
Squats are a great routine for not only getting rid of that miserable excess gas, but also, for strengthening the pelvic area. They provide better flexibility for the hips, too.
It is understood that squatting increases blood circulation, so as long as your health care provider has said you can safely do the squats, there is a lot of benefit to try them out.
Basically, you want to keep your arms extended out front of your body and move to the sitting position, much like you would on the toilet. It’s amazing how much of your body is stretched out by doing squats.
And they can be done a couple times a week to tone up your body, strengthen your lower part of the body, and warm up your body for the right position when the baby finally arrives.
#7 Exercises To Relieve Gas After Hysterectomy
This is major surgery, so before embarking on any exercise regime, please check first with your surgeon. Most likely, however, the hospital staff will send you home with a list of recommended activities to assist your recovery.
- If you feel well enough, try to stretch out your legs and spine with pelvic tilts. Lie on the floor with your feet flat on the floor. Sometimes, this is easier to do with your shoes on.Extend your arms flat at the side of your body. Now try to raise your pelvis to the ceiling. Do these slowly and methodically.
- For ladies that are not able to get down on the floor, a stretch that is a little bit less cumbersome is squeezing a ball or pillow between the legs. All you have to do is sit forward on a kitchen chair so that the pillow is between the legs but suspended in the air.Squeeze the legs together pressing the pillow tight. Complete several repetitions.
#8 Stretches to Reduce Bloating
When you feel bloated, you don’t necessarily feel pain, as well. Bloating is actually a feeling of general malaise, but is it real because it is becomes hard to bend over, and often, your clothes do not fit properly.
Some people even have troubles zippering up their pants or skirts when they feel like this because the abdomen is swollen with gas that they didn’t realize was there. The clothes are, in fact, too small for a period of time.
The best stretch to relieve the bloat is to stand straight, then bend down with your head against your legs as far as you can.
To help support your pose, clasp your hands around your legs or ankles. Hold for a couple of seconds, then begin over again. You will be surprised at how fast the gas will start passing.
Final Thought on Stretches to Relieve Gas
As you can see, there are a lot of stretches to relieve gas. The best option for you is to pick a few that you enjoy, and that also, meet your abilities, then make them part of your regular routine whether you have gas, bloating, or constipation.
All of these stretches are great, all-around exercises for everyone.