Why You Should Do Stretches For Sciatic Nerve Pain When Pregnant

Pregnancy can bring new feelings plus aches and pains that never existed before. It makes sense, though, as not only is the shape of the body changing, but hormones are creating havoc, as the body needs to prepare for childbirth.

Further, a growing baby may rest or press against other parts of the body which can be uncomfortable. There is a lot of added weight, also, that causes strain on the back. The sciatic nerve is often affected during pregnancy.

Because the nerve extends from the lower back through the hips and buttocks, right down into the legs, it can be quite painful when it is pinched or inflamed due to pressure applied from the baby or expanding uterus.

One of the ways a woman can find relief is by performing stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant.

Luckily, the condition is not harmful to the baby, nor does it usually continue after childbirth. So although the level pain can be from low to extremely high, dealing with it will be easier knowing that it is a temporary situation, albeit possibly nine months worth.

Why Should You do Stretches for Sciatic Nerve Pain when Pregnant?

You should do stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant because it alleviates the discomfort caused by tight muscles around the lower vertebrae and reduces sciatic nerve compression. For most women, pregnancy exerts higher pressure on the lower abdomen and spine.

According to a review by the American Osteopathic Association (AOA), stretching gently and regularly stretching while pregnant can alleviate sciatic nerve pain by soothing the spine, boosting flexibility around the abdomen, and easing muscle tension and tightness around the lower vertebrae.

Stretching also promotes the release of endorphins around the lower back, which are natural pain-relieving chemicals that can alleviate sciatica.

How To Relieve Sciatica Pain In Early Pregnancy

If you are able to afford the sessions, or have a health insurance plan that pays for therapy, massage can be a wonderful way to ease the pain from the sciatic nerve. The whole body will feel much better. Plus, it does plenty for your psyche, as well.

Warmth can help, too. Try sitting with a heating pad at your lower back, or even take a nice warm shower to soothe the discomfort.

Finally, set yourself up with a routine of stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant. There are several that you can do that stretch out the hip area, the legs muscles, and the buttocks.

In fact, again, if you have insurance, you might be able to get reimbursed for a professional consultation or evaluation with a physical therapist. It would be well worth it to pay out of pocket if you have to, just so you can get going with the proper stretches that are medically recommended and safe for your pregnancy.

How To Relieve Sciatic Nerve Pain Fast While Pregnant

While it is advisable that you follow a consistent routine of stretching throughout your pregnancy, and even beyond, sometimes, you need a quick pick-me-up to settle down the quirky aches and pains that shoot up out of nowhere.

In this case, you want relief fast and you want it now. One stretch that can help with several areas of the body can be done sitting on a rug or mat.

Keep your legs together and rest your body on your legs, bent at the knees, with the heels under your buttocks. Lean backwards so that your hands touch the floor behind you.

You will feel some nice pulls or stretches in the back, arms, legs, stomach and buttocks. This stretch, done a couple times, should release the tightness, and push out the discomfort.

A standing hamstring stretch is another quick way to ease tension. Place both feet together while standing. Now move one leg so that it rests on the heel. Point the toes toward the body. Lean forward and feel the stretch in the upper inside of the leg. You can rest your other hand on your back for stability.

This stretch can be done anywhere, so whenever the pain starts, you can immediately push it out.

Stretching To Relieve Sciatica Nerve Pain

Indeed, it becomes progressively more awkward to move around, and even to sit as the baby grows bigger. Getting up out of a chair is problematic for some women, and sitting too long exacerbates sciatica.

It is really important to walk out the kinks regularly. So if you are required to sit for long periods, whether while working or on bed rest, be sure to get yourself up and stretch things out. The longer you go without the periodic stretching, the worse you will feel.

You can’t really change where the baby rests, or how the body itself is preparing for the eventual birth, but you can work with your body to make yourself a little more comfortable.

By understanding the simple mechanics of why stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant are good for you, then you can undertake a proper and consistent regimen.

To be honest, it is not even necessary to understand everything. Just know that many pregnant women suffer, and have found increased relaxation with stretching to relieve sciatica nerve pain.

And be sure to pay attention to good posture. It is that more important while pregnant because the center of gravity is constantly changing. Instead of adding to the pain by pressing on the spot that hurts, sitting up straight can help to improve your discomfort.

How To Relieve Lower Back and Hip Pain During Pregnancy

In addition to adopting a routine of stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant, you should also try to sleep in a better position to reduce the chance of pain in the lower back and hips.

For example, it is recommended that pregnant women sleep on the left side, so that the vena cava is not compressed in such a way as to hamper blood flow back to the heart. Proper blood movement is not only best for the mother, but it helps the unborn baby thrive, as well.

And, as we have stated in other articles, optimum blood flow is required for all humans in order to stay healthy.

Another example of proper sleep positioning is using a pillow to support the lower areas of the body. Using a full body pillow makes a big difference in how the pelvis feels, as well as other areas such as the back and hips.

Lastly, getting some pelvic stretches done before going to bed will make the area much stronger, and more conducive to the actual childbirth.

Yoga For Sciatic Nerve Pain During Pregnancy

Much has been written throughout human existence about the enormous benefits of yoga to our physical and mental well-being. Keeping our minds, spirits and bodies in a state of harmony and contentment is key to feeling better.

And, in pregnancy, yoga stretches will be a welcome exercise to many women with sciatic nerve soreness. Whether you are able to take a local course, or you follow along with some of the thousands of online videos, there is no doubt that the stretching will help.

The only caution we would make is since there is so much information out there, try to find reputable sources for the presentations, and more importantly, find poses that are easy enough for you to do. You don’t want to lose interest and forfeit the benefits by quitting if you can’t do, or don’t like the types of exercises the instructor is showing.

Stretching To Relieve Sciatica

Anyone can get an attack of sciatica for many reasons. For some people, the condition is chronic, while others, like most pregnant women, the condition eventually subsides, or goes away altogether.

As the longest and widest nerve in the body, it makes sense that it would be susceptible to injury, inflammation, and irritation.

The common element with all sufferers, however, is that stretching is a viable form of treatment.

Regardless of whether the situation is severe, or merely a nuisance, different kinds of stretching can help with various symptoms of sciatica. Of course, you will want to seek medical advice for most cases, but once you have a diagnosis, physical therapy will often be prescribed.

Stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant can be done alone, or some will require a spotter or helper for added safety.

For example, sitting on an exercise ball is a great form of stretching, but in order to keep you stable and prevent you from falling off the ball, having someone stand behind you is a good idea.

You can then stretch your arms straight out from your body, and the helper can gently hold them up for you by placing their hands under your pecs or elbows.

You’ll be amazed at how much improved your posture is, plus you will feel the stretches in your back that actually make the pain from the pressure on the sciatic nerve relax and feel better.

Final Thoughts on Stretches for Sciatic Nerve Pain When Pregnant

Undoubtedly, stretches for sciatic nerve pain when pregnant can help relieve the discomfort associated with a growing baby and uterus without the need for harsh medications.

Coupled with walking, swimming, and massage, you will find the discomfort from the condition lessens with the more you do.

And when we say more, we don’t mean rigorous, extreme exercises. We are referring to proper consistent gentle stretching that aids your body’s mechanisms and doesn’t work against them.

Lastly, it would be beneficial to learn about temporary sciatica once you become pregnant. This way you can begin your routine right in the beginning, hoping to avoid all the aches and pains that might evolve.


I've been helping others to maintain their general fitness goals through stretching.

Although it is not a new idea, I didn't realize the benefits until my mother started to feel sluggish. While she was always very active, she seemed to slow down a bit because her body wasn't cooperating.

She wanted to continue camping, hiking, playing badminton, and walking the dog through the woods, but something was off even though she was getting a good amount of weekly exercise.

I decided to help her out and looked at many "ideas", "concepts", and "programs", and then finally chose simple stretching.

The stretches seemed to be the easiest and the most beneficial way for her to get back some of the get-up-and-go.

In truth, the real reason she was having difficult was she was not flexible enough.

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